Kent County Jr. Council Club News September 2020
Brenna Geidel – Reporter
Kent County Jr. Council held its third meeting of the year on October 20th. We started off this meeting with a program lead by Haley Klein on Sports Nutrition. During this activity, we learned about the importance of nutrition as well as what to look for on a food and nutrition label. After speaking on county updates and old business we moved on to talk about the Paper Clover at Tractor Supply Co., the “Delaware Goes Purple” initiative, virtual great pumpkin day, and the National Youth STEM Summit. Also, we reminded everyone that Diamond Clover intents are due soon. Overall the meeting was very successful and informative, we are all looking forward to the new 4-H year!
Midstate 4-H has been very busy this year so far. We have had 2 virtual meetings this year, which included water and a healthy snack. We did a scavenger hunt at our last meeting that we enjoyed looking for items around our houses. We participated in the yard sign challenge, and we won first place in Kent County. We had some that participated in Spirit Week and posted our photos on social media. We decided that we will dress for a theme each month for our meetings, and November will be “Something You Are Thankful For.” We are looking forward to in-person meetings again and are thankful for all those who have worked hard to help keep all of us safe during this pandemic.
Respectfully Submitted by Elisabeth Couzens
Peach Blossom 4-H Club
Reporter: Ava Gallo
For the month of October, we met via zoom for our business meeting and for our exploring 4-H meeting. We had around 50 members participate in our business meeting, and we had 6 members participate in our exploring 4-H meeting. In our business meeting, we had 6 Cloverbud graduates that became traditional members. The Career Focus for our business meeting was Farmers, and the theme was Farmer Hat and 4-H Green. For the month of September, the Heads award went to Mason Hay, the Heart award went to Trey Moffet and Emmie Sue Knutsen, the Hands award went to Ava Gallo, the Health award went to Flynn Mucha, and the Sprit Leader was Ms. Susan Garey. In our exploring 4-H meeting, our guest speaker was Ms. Debbie Kirk. She shared things about herself, how she knows Mrs. Elaine Webb, that she was in 4-H and FFA, went over information about farms, like how many farms are in Delaware, and how many people 1 farm can feed, the Delaware Farm Bureau Book Barns, and read us the book The Beeman. Some of our members participated in the Kent County 4-H Achievement Banquet via Zoom on October 18th, 2020. Congratulations to all who received awards at the banquet!
Harrington Sunshine 4-H Club
Anthony Blanchette- Reporter
Harrington Sunshine 4H Club held their second meeting on Monday, October 5, 2020. Our meeting was held on Zoom; there were 15 members online. Members were asked to wear clothes or make a sign that depicted what they want to be when they grow up. Each member introduced themselves and told what they were dressed as. The leaders discussed upcoming events and how we will be handling things this year. Congratulations to all members that received awards at the 4-H Achievement Banquet Virtual Event, placed in the 10 Ten for County and State Judging Contest, and participated in the Clothing Virtual Showcase. You should be very proud of your hard work. Our next meeting will be Monday, November 2, 2020.