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Kent County Virtual Achievement Banquet
October 18, 2020
3:00 pm
Join us to Celebrate Kent County 4-Hers!
The Achievement Banquet will be planned as a virtual event this year (unless approval is granted otherwise). We will continue with the dates that are currently in place. Leaders and Youth should have all forms filled out and turned into the 4-H Office by September 18 in preparation for the Kent County 4-H Achievement Banquet to be held on Sunday, October 18. Forms can be placed in the drop box at the office or can be emailed to Caroline. This includes the Goat Award, Annual Club Information, Non-Discrimination Status Statement, Charter Seal, Community Service Award, Michael Everline Memorial Leadership Award, Outstanding 4-H Award, Public Presentation Award, and the Pritchett Award. All forms can be found on the Kent County website under Leader Resources. This information will also be shared at the August Kent County 4-H Leaders Meeting