![A Graphic Illustrating Learning Differences](https://sites.udel.edu/kbcottle/files/2015/02/udl_pic-zhvezi-300x205.png)
A Graphic Illustrating Learning Differences
- Have all directions in writing, audio and video (Kornowski, 2012).
- Use voice commands (Siri) for getting into programs (Kornowski, 2012).
- For the pre and post test, there will be written and audible text. This includdes having the questions read.
- Using text-to-speech helps people who are struggling with literacy: it helps people review their written work. Text-to-speech also helps with people who have vision issues (Janowski, 2015).
- Graphic organizers will be used to help people scaffold the information. There will be several graphic organizers offered ranging from Rao’s open ended one to organizers with more specific questions. All of the graphic organizers will be in Google Docs for use on the phone and also converted to short movies where the text is read (Rose & Meyer, 2002).
- Accessibility is also about access because of financial resources – having resources freely available online removes another boundary to learning and can allow a student to engage without distracting stressors.