Monthly Archives: April 2014

Is Disney’s Good Reputation Always Positive?

The author of this article is claiming that due to Disney’s extreme popularity, the company is more susceptible to criticism.  The main point in the article is, “Walt Disney Corporation’s close associations with what are widely considered positive moral values serve to make it an attractive target for a broad range of social problems claimsmakers.”  Most people feel that having a good reputation is always a positive thing, but this article proves that it can also be negative.  Disney is expected to do certain things and live up to certain standards while their rivals are not held up to these same standards because they do not have as big a role in society.  This article further analyzes specific critiques of Disney from three social groups onservative Christians, political progressives, and social scientists.  The article concludes with discussing these critiques of Disney and how with a company so large it is bound to receive criticisms.

This article is really interesting and it made me think about things I hadn’t before.  There are so many groups constantly criticizing Disney for everything they do.  Liberals think Disney is to conservative while conservatives think Disney is so liberal.  Almost every organization has something to say about Disney, but they can not please everyone 100%.  I can begin to explore why people expect so much from Disney and other large media conglomerates.  Are these companies just responsible for producing movies or are they responsible for pleasing several groups’ diverse interests?  Is it Disney’s responsibility to set a good example for children?  No matter how Disney makes their princess look, act, or feel someone is going to criticize it.  The works cited page includes many writings about Disney that can definitely help my research and paper.  The author’s argument can help shape ideas in my own paper as well.  If I am looking at the progression of Disney’s female characters I can look into if this progression came from common criticisms.  From this article I can also assume that no matter how much progress Disney makes people are always going to criticize them for something.