For Teachers
Engineering Concepts – Presentations by faculty and graduate students on cutting-edge concepts in engineering are presented, with the goal to help you bring applications and excitement to your STEM teaching. Working with educational experts, you will have the opportunity to develop your own teaching module, based upon current engineering research.
Research Experience for Teachers/Lending Library development – Applications for this unique experience are accepted for this summer opportunity.
For Your Students
Visit the College of Engineering – Small groups visits may be arranged through our office. Bringing students to the College of Engineering makes the theoretical come to life. In a survey conducted by Intel (2011), two-thirds of teens “have never considered a career in engineering.” However, “exposure to any facts about engineering leads more than half of teens to say they are more likely to consider engineering as a career.” We are experts in constructing meaningful, educationally relevant visits that tie in with your teaching needs.
Talk to an Engineer – Often, we find that students are, indeed, engaging in independent research in the classroom. When your students reach conceptual roadblocks, we may be able to help. Faculty or graduate student mentors are available, on a limited basis, to assist with the theoretical questions underlying your student’s independent research. Contact us to see if one of our engineering experts is available to help.
Activities for Students During Out-of-School Time – Camps, internships and Family Fridays are available for students and their families with information available on our Parents page and Students Page.
This form must be completed in full, including a signature of Parent or Guardian in order for the child to
participate in K12 Engineering events held on campus at the University of Delaware.