Posted on February 22, 2017
First Blog Post
I have always believed it is better to pursue a career you love, rather than something that will bring you money. Whether or not you believe money is materialistic, if you are unhappy with your job, it will ultimately affect your life in all other areas. There are infinite jobs available to everyone, even if it’s something basic like something in the food services or retail. I am currently working as a supervisor at Food Lion, and I really enjoy what I do. Of course this isn’t my career, but it’s where I work before I get my degree.
I have always thought that love beats the odds of everything else. If you truly love what you do, the rest of the success and rewards will follow. And typically, with most jobs, there are raises and promotions, which is precisely how I maintained my supervisor position. And it would work the same way with a career after college. The longer you stay, the more work you put in, and the better you become, will all lead to higher positions as well as more money and rewards.
Following your gut-instinct is always the best option, and going for what you love rather than something you don’t necessarily understand (or love) will bring curve balls and barriers your way. But, there are always those people who find careers that they love and bring a large amount of money with it. It all depends on what you believe you are capable of, and what you believe is your best option.
I have also always believed it is better to pursue a career you love. If you love what you do you’re going to put more effort to get that promotion to move up in your career and you will be more grateful about it. You’re a great example for this, you love your job and you put dedication to earn the supervisor position.
Another thing I agree on is that if you’re unhappy with your job, it will ultimately affect your life in other areas. Being unhappy can lead to other problems in life. For example, your social life might be affected because you’d be in a crappy mood all the time.
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I agree with your viewpoint that it is better to pursue something you love rather then something that will bring you money. The fact that you connected this blog post to your actual life experiences with working in a job that you enjoy was smart. It helps to portray that if you work hard enough your hard work is going to pay off and you’ll be even more satisfied with the work you put in to get a job that brings you happiness. I also agree with your statement “…if you’re unhappy with your job, it will ultimately affect your life in all other areas.”
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Komunikasi Jarak Jauh dengan Radio: Handy Talky, Radio Rig, dan Repeater
Radio komunikasi masih menjadi pilihan utama untuk komunikasi jarak jauh di berbagai situasi. Baik di area perkotaan, pedesaan, maupun alam bebas, alat komunikasi ini menawarkan kemudahan dan keandalan. Artikel ini akan membahas tiga perangkat penting dalam komunikasi radio: handy talky, radio rig, dan repeater.
Handy Talky
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Radio Rig
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