Third Party Meme Blog

It has come to my attention that most Americans label themselves as moderate or independent. A growing trend is that the young especially have a growing distrust for our civil institutions. From our interview in class and from asking other people I have met in my life very few people feel entirely satisfied with one party. They do not feel that either the Republicans nor the Democrats fully support all of their ideas.


The good news is there are other options that are not given  a shot. If were so tired of the Democrats and the Republicans why not put our votes for something else?! If theres anything we the youth have learned from Acts like SOPA. If anyone doesn’t remember that bipartisan act its that both the Democrats and Republicans in congress were trying to pass a law that would allow our internet to be constantly spied on and moderated by the Government. The youth went crazy emailing their representatives in dissent. We have a voice people. We can make change we can get the freedom we learned about in history books. Instead of being so cynical about our government try making a fundamental change. If we always do what we’ve always done we’ll always get what we’ve always got


If anyone agrees this might be a party to look into.


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