Developing a Career Plan

Short & Long Term Goals of My Career:


S – My short-term goal is to finish College with a Bachelor’s Degree, and my long-term goal is to obtain a job working in the entertainment industry as an artist, writer, and/or producer.


M – These goals are measurable because I am on track to graduate with my Bachelor’s in the year of 2016, and I just recently signed an entertainment contract with BCB Entertainment Company, which should allow me to begin to pursue my passion for the entertainment industry.


A – This goal is attainable because I have written and recorded over 300 songs up to this point, that have been compiled into 4 different projects, and taking this Sophomore Seminar class has allowed me to put more focus and clarity over my short & long-term goals.


R – My goals are relevant to my career plan because the college experience will help to set me up for graduating on time as well as teaching me the business knowledge that will be necessary long-term to drive my success in the entertainment industry.


T – Based on where I am in my college experience my transcripts let me know that I am on pace to complete school with good enough grades to receive my degree, and due to my contract with the BCB Entertainment company in May I will be attending a Music & Entertainment conference in San Diego, California in order to learn the ins & outs of the business, as well as share some of my music.

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