Notes on SAE J3068 errata and suggested additions

A helpful developer pointed out that J3068 edition 1 is not entirely consistent about the current limits for PWM operation, which differ according to whether one or three phases are delivering current.

The intent (as always) in SAE J3068 was to follow the requirements of IEC 61851-1 edition 3 Annex D and IEC 62196 as closely as possible.  That means that the maximum current allowed for the 6 mm pins of the Type 2 connector under PWM control (as in 61851-1 Annex A) is 70 amps for single phase and 63 amps for 3 phase operation.

The following sections in J3068 edition 1 need to be clarified to reflect the above when the document is reopened to start work on edition 2:

4.3 (the last paragraph of page 19)

Table 2 Line 2

Table 3 Line 2


Table 13 Line 9


Other suggested changes or additions:

Add requirement; If the SE does signal SeStatusInit = Complete, then during the Op schedule, the SE shall not reduce Available Current below EvMinCurrent.  Note that this value may be less than SeMaxCurrent.

In Table 26, start values for EvMaxVoltage Signals should be zero to facilitate error checking, instead of Not Available, since the raw numeric value of Not Available looks like a very high voltage.

Same as above for MaxCurrents in Table 27.

Is there an explicit requirement that EvSelectedVersion matches one of SeSelectedVersion choices? Perhaps somewhere in section 10? This is needed for to makes sense.  It is obvious, but even the obvious shall be explicit, you know.


We made the following additions to Table 18 SeInfoEntries during development to facilitate testing with a manually simulated EV node (where it is easy to accidentally set signals manually to incorrect states):

0x04  The EV signaled EvStatusInit = Complete but there is an incompatibility

0x05 The EV has selected an invalid version which the SE does not support

0x06 The EV signaled EvStatusVer = Complete before a valid version is selected

0x07 Valid EvMaxVoltage signals are missing (both are Not Available or > 1000.0 V)

0x08 Valid EvMinVoltage signals missing (both > 1000.0 V)

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