
Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science Student Conference
APRIL 6, 2018
Submit abstracts (deadline February 1, 2018)


High Vowel Deletion in Uzbek (poster)
Chen Zhou & Irene Vogel
LSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (January 2018)

Evidence for an abstract glide in the plural suffix in Saulteaux Ojibwe
Taylor Miller & Irene Vogel
LSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT  (January 2018)


The Manifestation of Predictable Stress: Turkish and Armenian
Angeliki Athanasopoulou, Irene Vogel & Hossep Dolatian
ConCALL-3, Bloomington, IN (March 2-4, 2018)

Prosodic Rhythm in Turkish and Armenian
Irene Vogel & Angeliki Athanasopoulou
ConCALL-3, Bloomington, IN (March 2-4, 2018)

KEYNOTE LECTURE: The Phonological Word and Other Prosodic Constituents in Mandarin
26th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-26)
Madison, WI (May 4-6, 2018)

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Stress Systems and Redundancy: Implications for Perception and Production
Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science Student Conference
Newark, DE (April 6, 2018)