
Selective implementation of the IT plan began while the planning process was underway. While important groundwork has been laid, multiple initiatives are underway to address immediate implementation priorities and create the organizational capacity needed to execute the strategies proposed. Full implementation of the IT plan will occur over three to five years. Roadmaps for implementation of each major goal, available in a separate document, serve as a starting point for sequencing priorities. A summary of investment requirements and benefits is being prepared to support major strategies including expanding the research computing infrastructure, the long-term transition of administrative systems and the upgrade of learning space technologies.

A major step in implementation will be the creation of the new IT governance structure. A major role of IT governance is to monitor implementation, seed thinking about new initiatives and alter strategies as the environment changes. This will assure the plan is a living document that actively informs decisions. An Executive IT Council and an IT Governance Steering Committee will be appointed in 2019 along with several domain specific advisory groups. UD IT has already begun work to establish a project management office and processes to gather the information committees will need to do their work.  A detailed description of the governance structure and committee charges will be available on the UD IT website (


IT Governance at the University of Delaware establishes the decision-making process necessary to ensure innovative, reliable, and robust information technology. IT governance determines and defines campus-wide IT priorities and policies in accordance with the University’s Strategic Plan and is informed by the University’s Information Technology Strategic Plan. Learn more about IT Governance.

STRATEGIC IT ROADMAPS: slide deck & master

  • Supporting Research & Scholarship
  • Facilitating Student Learning
  • Enabling Administrative Excellence
  • Optimizing IT Services