Farber End-of-Life Plan and Policies

Retirement of Farber

The Farber high performance computing cluster has now finished its eighth year of service. This cluster was proposed to have a 4-year life span that would end in conjunction with the 2018 calendar year. The retirement of Farber was announced at the HPC Symposium on November 10, 2022 sharing the Farber End-of-Life Plan and Polices that describes the specifics of our strategy for the retirement of Farber.

Dates of importance include:

  • January 2023: All compute nodes will be shut down and the job scheduler taken offline
  • July 2023: Hardware will be removed from the Datacenter

All Farber users are urged to begin planning now for the retirement of the Farber cluster, especially with respect to archiving data residing on file systems on Farber. IT has no plans to mass-migrate any of the data present in /home/work or in home directories.

IT-RCI staff are happy to meet with research groups to discuss their workgroup needs and options for archival of the necessary data on Farber by submitting a Research Computing High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters Help Request and complete the form including Farber and request to discuss Farber Retirement in the description field.

Thank you to all the Farber cluster users who have made, and continue to make, the Farber cluster a successful research platform whose positive influence on the University is felt far beyond the research and papers it has helped generate.