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May 2015: What is malware?

In this Secure UD Newsletter, we’ll explore the kinds and distribution of malware, as well as how to protect devices from malware.

May 2014: You and Your Passwords

As part of our overall information security policy, the University of Delaware requires that you use strong passwords. Strong passwords are vital to information security: they protect your accounts and information from unauthorized access and use.

What makes a good UDelNet password?

UDelNet accounts have access to University information and computing resources, which means they are prime targets for hackers. Every individual at the University is responsible for his or her own account, including the password to that account.

Securing your passwords

When data has been compromised, it’s not always clear that a hacker has damaged or taken information until it is too late to prevent the damage. Use these steps to proactively protect your data — and the University’s data — from unauthorized use and access.

You are a target. Information security is everyone’s responsibility.