Newcomers and Leaders Lunch @ BioRob 2024

With the travel disruptions of the last few years, many of our trainees have not benefited from the same exposure to in-person networking opportunities as in the past. To help “newcomers” network in our research community, the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on BioRobotics is supporting a “Newcomers and Leaders Lunch” event held alongside the main program of the IEEE BioRob 2024 conference. The main goals of the event are to foster connection between trainees and leaders in the field of biorobotics, to help trainees connect with peers in the community, and to help trainees learn how they can integrate and contribute to the IEEE RAS/EMBS community.

The event will be held on Monday, September, 2nd, 12:30-1:30pm, in the BioRob 2024 conference venue (room HS4a).


Marcia K. O’Malley (Rice University, USA)
Etienne Burdet (Imperial College London, UK)
Pietro Valdastri (University of Leeds, UK)


Lunch will be provided. Form submission is required and a selection will be made given limited availability of resources. Priority will be given to trainees who have not attended an IEEE conference in-person before BioRob 2024, and to those who have have already joined the IEEE RAS TC on BioRobotics (you can join here).

The deadline for full consideration is August 11th, 2024. Notification of acceptance will be provided by August 23rd, 2024.

Please reach out to Fabrizio Sergi ( for questions related to this event. We look forward to seeing you at BioRob 2024!

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