Tag: choices

“Thinking Outside the Box” by Jenny Gloyd

I have been told probably a million times to “think outside of the box.” The old idiom has merit in encouraging creativity, allowing your mind to wander outside set limits, and return with something truly wonderful. It has brought us great inventors such as Thomas Edison and innovative thinkers such as Erwin Shrödinger. I encourage everyone to work on developing this level of ingenuity, but I want to see if we can redefine the meaning of this old saying for our lives at the current. Can we instead think outside of the four corners of our laptop screens?  Continue reading

“A Path Through the Forest” by Alex Stone

As Honors students, I think we all have experienced that spark for learning, that love for all things we do not yet understand, but seek to discover at some point in our lives. It was what set us upon this path to seek higher education and become Honors students. It is the drive to uncover mysteries and discover all that is amazing in this world. I know, for me, it was in my middle school life sciences class where I first felt that spark, that fascination with living things and life. I wanted to discover all that I could about the human body and understand how we all started from something so small and became what we are now. Continue reading

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