Category: Chelsey Rodowicz (page 2 of 4)

The City by the Bay

Which one you may ask? The city famous for its treacherous earthquake in 1906 and then again in 1989, its maximum security prison that once held Al Capone, and oh yeah, that big red bridge they call the Golden Gate – San Francisco.

I am lucky enough to be spending my summer working in the beautiful, but oddly cold for summer, city of San Francisco. Burson-Marsteller hired me on as an intern in their technology practice and although I’m only a few days in, I can tell that I’m going to love every minute of it. Everyone at the office is so friendly and willing to help and also… who else gets to play Apples to Apples on their orientation day in the office? The answer is probably no one.


My first day was a bit on the unordinary side as I had some trouble getting to work. The BART ride wasn’t quite as eventful as Caitlyn’s New York subway ride, but there WAS traffic and a medical hold, which luckily was only a stop away from where I needed to be so I was able to walk. A major lesson that I learned that morning? DO NOT FOLLOW THE MAP ON YOUR iPHONE. I was astonished when someone working at the Starbucks told me to walk the opposite way than my map seemed to be showing me. Why was that? I was on the other side of the street and turned completely around. When in doubt, ask a local for directions.

Although I’m working in the city, I haven’t had the chance to explore it yet. So when my fellow interns talk about living near ‘Twin Peaks’ or ‘outside of the Sunset’ I have no idea where that is. I provided a map for you below if you’re curious.  One of my goals for the summer is to take my runs to the city rather than back here in the East Bay where I’m staying with my dad. They say that’s the best way to learn your way around somewhere, so why not give it a shot (aside from the argument of the unclean air)? I may even take a run down the Embarcadero, which I hear is pretty flat.


Overall, the first few days have gone really well. It was a smart decision to travel out to California a week before I started so I could adjust to the time difference. Right now, my body is not enjoying this whole 12-hour on-the-go thing. It’s like I’m working a double at Border Café every day. I’m up at 6:30 and I get home at 6:30. Regardless, the experience is worth it. Here are some goals for the summer; hopefully I fulfill them.

1. Step foot in every neighborhood of San Francisco.
2. Run 10 miles in Golden Gate Park.
3. Eat at Boudin’s five times.
4. Wear every piece of clothing that I thought was important enough to overstuff my suitcases with.
5. Make the most of my internship and my time in San Francisco.

~Chelsey Rodowicz


How-to: Create the Perfect Summer Bucket List


No matter where you are or what you’re doing this summer (unless you’re traveling the world), you’re probably going to need something to keep yourself active and not bored. Because let’s face it, even though we beg for summer we get slightly bored come mid-July. Maybe you have a full-time job this summer or you’ll be babysitting those brats next door again. Regardless, you deserve to make some time for yourself to do something fun. Here are some suggestions for your perfect 2013 summer bucket list.

1.       Visit a new place. You may be taking a family vacation this summer or planning a road trip with a friend. Whatever it is, go somewhere you’ve never been before and take in the sights. I hope to make it to Yosemite this summer while I’m in California and I’ve never even been to a national park! I wouldn’t suggest road tripping just to go to a different beach though. Do something radically different. You’ll be glad you did.

2.       Pick up a new hobby. This could include a wide range of things. If you took my advice on doing an activity with your mom, maybe that could be your new hobby. You could even find a lot of joy in analyzing clouds all day (who doesn’t?) or giving swim lessons to your little cousin. Whatever it is, allow yourself some free time to enjoy.

3.       Be a kid again. You used to make forts, catch lightening bugs, swim in the lake, have water balloon fights and camp in the backyard. Who says you can’t do that now just because you’re in college? This summer, free yourself from your adult inhibitions and play hide-and-seek outside until dark. Just remember, if the streetlights come on, it’s time to go inside.

4.       Document everything. Instead of a 30-day picture challenge, try to do a 90-day picture challenge. If you take a picture a day of something really memorable each day, you won’t be quick to forget what you did this summer. If you do absolutely nothing fun all summer (which I doubt would ever be the case), then of course there isn’t much to document. However, these are the memories you won’t want to forget, so have something to show for them!

Above all, don’t waste a minute. Before you know it, you’ll be working 40 hours a week and won’t have a summer break (unless you’re a teacher). This is my last “free” summer and I plan to live it to the fullest…even though I am still working 40 hours a week.

Good luck with finals and have a fantastic summer! Tell us what your big plans are for the next few months.

~Chelsey Rodowicz


How-to find the perfect Mother’s Day Gift

If you’re anything like me, you still haven’t gotten your mom a gift for her (secretly) favorite holiday. Every year, I struggle with what to get my mom for Mother’s Day. When I was little, it was cute to make a homemade card in the shape of a heart with a few stick figures on it. Today…not so much. What is there left to get mom for Mother’s Day after years of makeshift cards, flowers and body products? Here are few tips for little things that will be greatly appreciated by your mom this year.


  1.  Cook her favorite meal. Surprise your mom with her favorite dinner and she will appreciate the fact that not only does she not have to make dinner for the night, but that you thought of something pretty far in advance. This of course, is only possible the night of if you live close enough that you can go home for Mother’s Day, but you can surprise her at any time with a home cooked meal. I know my mom asked for me to make her a cake for her birthday this year, so my grandmom and I are working together to make something delectable. What they say is true, food is the way to the heart.
  2. Choose an activity to do together. What I’m planning on doing for my mom this year (hopefully she’s not reading this) is to choose a class that we can take together, something at Joanne Fabrics or Michael’s. This allows for optimal bonding time with my mom, gives us a reason to go out for a day and also something special that we can share. My mom loves to bake, so a cake decorating class would be perfect for her, and something we could do together in the future. Another personal favorite is a spa day. Mom always deserves a day off and a nice deep tissue massage.
  3. Chic homemade presents. If you’re tight on cash and can’t afford lobster (my mom’s personal favorite) or some classes, it is TOTALLY okay to go with a homemade presents. They show thought and time spent. However, you might have a bit more artistic skill (or you might not) than you did when you were six. Here are some ideas from Martha Stewart (  that are simple yet chic for that perfect inexpensive, homemade Mother’s Day gift. They include a homemade notebook to a movie night with Mom.

What are some of your creative ideas for Mother’s Day?

~Chelsey Rodowicz


How-to: Broaden your mind and ‘think bigger’

We have all seen the theories that meditation will help you broaden your mind and be at one with yourself. You will be more connected with your emotions and feel more relaxed. I’m not disproving the power of meditation when I say this, but who has time for that?! I know I don’t, especially during a week like this one where my professors decide to have all my term papers due. Unfortunately, that’s when I need it most!

However, I do have some tips on how to broaden your mind (without meditation) but also without overloading yourself with graduate level classes because you think that’s the only way to expand your knowledge. I know Honors students don’t like to be mediocre, so here’s how to reach above that.

1.       Take ten minutes to yourself in the morning. Most mornings, if we’re not rushed because we slept through our alarm clock, we’re feeling lethargic. Take advantage of that feeling and while you’re brushing your teeth, waiting for the shower to heat up or watching your eggs cook, do something intellectually stimulating (like read our blog! Start here for some more inspiration!) . Many mornings, I’ll read through my Twitter feed for the latest PR news or check through my bookmarked websites. Not only will it help you expand your knowledge on things that interest you, but it will also get your day kick started.

2.       Allow yourself ONE fun/challenging class a semester. It depends where you get your kicks, but I would suggest setting aside time in your schedule each semester for that one challenging class that is outside of your major that will force you to think, or take a fun class like Team Sports. You will stimulate that part of your brain that isn’t engaged during your Organic Chemistry classes and work the creative side.

3.       Visit somewhere new. We are lucky enough to be close to at least four major cities: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York City. All of them are within three hours driving distance and you are able to take in so many new sites and an immense amount of our nation’s history. Even if you wanted to head to the aquarium for the day, just take that extra time to learn something new outside of the classroom (even if it is what type of food penguins like to eat).

4.       Get involved. Maybe you think you might not have the time to donate to something else as an Honors Chemical Engineer, but there are so many clubs out there! Sure, it’s great to be involved with something related to your major, that’s what I do, but maybe try something in an area of interest. Perhaps you really like environmental causes, or health-issue groups. Challenge yourself to attend a meeting and you’ll even meet a new group of people!

As Honors students, of course we have a full course load. However, we also have the drive to push ourselves further all of the time. Don’t overdo it of course, but take a step towards broadening your mind and daring yourself to think bigger. You won’t regret it.

Don’t forget to check out for some more inspiration! Dare to think Bigger!

Take it easy.

~Chelsey Rodowicz

How-to: Develop Your Passion at the University


One of the most overwhelming things to a student on campus is the amount of clubs there are. You can literally find a club for any interest whether it be Harry Potter, chocolate or in my case, public relations. The question is how do you first of all, figure out what to join and second of all, balance it out and harness your passion for a particular interest? Below are a few tips on what has worked for me.

StUDent Central can be a great way to find out what’s going on around campus, and what groups you can get involved in!

1. Attend Student Activities Night. The majority of active student clubs will be in attendance at Student Activities Night. Beforehand, there is a full list of the clubs attending that will be released, so I would encourage you to check it out and find a few clubs that scream “you.” Hey, that might even be the Genshiken ( club, which is all about video games.

2. Go to a few of the interest meetings. All clubs will have an interest meeting which is where you can find out all of what this club is about. This is your first impression of the club and you will know pretty much right away if you want to join or not. If not, then all the better! You can check it off your list and visit some of the other clubs. I promise you, you will not be able to be a part of all of the clubs that interest you, at least not actively. I tried that freshman year and it really didn’t go well…

3. Seek out someone in that club to talk to. It’s always nice to have a friendly face when you show up to a meeting, and it also makes you want to go back. Introduce yourself to someone in the group and see if they want to meet up for coffee/froyo/Rita’s and talk about their role in the organization. You’ll get a better gauge of how the club will fit into your schedule and if you’re able to make the time commitment

4. Lastly, be active in it. It’s truly hard to develop a passion in something if you’re not committed. I can say that I am so passionate about PRSSA because I have grown as a person and as a professional throughout my three years being involved, and now I’m the president. You want to be able to develop that passion for a club on campus, because let’s face it; everyone wants to belong to something. I’m not saying that you have to jump up and be a leader on the first day, but take initiative and make your face known. Trust me – the leaders of that group will be more than appreciative.

So say you’re a junior, there’s definitely still time to get involved! All groups will welcome new members, and what else are you doing next year besides taking some of the easy classes you have left (sorry engineers/all science majors, I know that’s not the case for you)? So next year, when you’re considering what to do with your free time, take these tips! It’ll pay off big (and look great on your résumé).

~Chelsey Rodowicz

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