Ah, December.  The twelfth and final month of the year.  We’ve been through a lot this year, and it’s hard to imagine that in a few short weeks, we’re going to start over again.

For me, December is both my favorite time of the year, as well as one of my least favorite times.  How, you might ask?  I thought you’d like to know, so here it goes.

For one, my birthday is in December!  And fortunately, I am still young enough to be excited as I age (now in a few years, that’ll probably change).  I always look forward to the day that I came into this world, and I always celebrate in two ways.  One, I always have a get-together with my close friends that I care deeply about, and I also stare at my Facebook timeline as hundreds of my “friends” wish me happy birthday.

December is also known as the holiday month.  I personally celebrate Christmas, and during this month my thoughts are filled with sugar plum fairies dancing around in my head.  I like being able to take time out of my busy schedule and spend time with my family giving gifts and showing my appreciation for all that they do for me.  Besides Christmas, there is also Chanukah/Hanukah (however you choose to spell it), Kwanzaa, and for my British/Commonwealth friends, there’s Boxing Day as well.  Oh, and you can’t forget the New Year celebrations!

Yes, December is a lovely time of year with many good aspects.  However, there are also some sad things about December.  It is the month of finals, as thousands of college students across the country spend their days and nights cramming as much information into their brains as possible.  And after all of the final exams, everybody packs their belongings and heads home until the spring semester (which, for UD, doesn’t begin until early February).  I don’t like this part of December because I have to say goodbye to all of the wonderful people that I have gotten to know at college.

So as you can see, December has both positive and negative attributes, in my opinion.  But like it or not, time always continues on!

Whether you like it or not, December is here to stay (at least for 31 days)

Whether you like it or not, December is here to stay (at least for 31 days)

~Scott Eisenhart

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