This semester, while staying as involved as I can at 186 South College (the Honors Program, obviously), I have also increased my involvement with 210 South College, aka the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and absolutely love it. As I have said before, I am a Blue Hen Ambassador with Admissions, meaning I give tours to prospective students and their families. On top of that, BHAs are also given the opportunity to work in the office, through answering and maintaining Admissions phones, emails, chats, etc., and I finally took advantage of this opportunity and decided to start this semester.
I absolutely love working in the office, not just because I am able to learn even more about this fine university, but also because I can get in contact prospective families and help them see just why the University of Delaware is so great. It is one thing to give them a tour and tell them all there is to know about UD and all the history and information, but it is another thing to help them along the way during the application process. As I quickly began to realize early on this semester, working in Admissions is no easy task; there is always something changing about our application process, and with the addition of many new admissions officers, the office is changing a lot, too, and I am excited to be able to experience this firsthand.
This past week, the office was teeming with new prospects, and not just new prospective students to the University of Delaware, but new prospective BHAs, as our pool for new tour guides was interviewing all last week. Fortunately, I was on the Selection Committee and helped interview the BHA applicants for the position, which I absolutely loved. I’ll admit it: I can be a somewhat judgmental person at times, so this committee was right up my ally! In conducting many interviews, I realized just how lucky I am to show my love for my school through this program. As such, I want to make sure these applicants are exactly the same way. So, I always tried to get them to tell me their favorite thing about UD. The vast array of answers made me realize again just how great of a school we go to because every applicant had such a different answer; there are just so many great things about UD!
Clearly, working in Admissions has definitely been such a great experience so far. Being able to showcase my love for my school makes me love UD even more each day. I can’t wait to welcome the new BHAs in just a few short days! Although I will miss being the “newbie” class, I can’t wait to be a part of a new class’ experience and help the newbies see just how awesome being in the Admissions Office is and how it helps you love UD even more! If you can, I would highly suggest applying to be a BHA or to work in the Admissions Office in some other way at least for part of your UD career; you will not regret it!
~Hannah Tattersall