Disbursement of Enrichment Funds
Policies and Procedures
Eugene du Pont Scholars are provided with $2,500 to defray the costs of a learning experience that will enrich and enhance their education at UD. This document describes the policies and procedures that govern how these funds should be requested and spent.
When a du Pont Scholar wishes to spend all of part of his or her enrichment funds, that individual must submit a formal request to the Dean of the Honors College. The exact form and content of that request will depend on whether the scholar is proposing to spend funds on a “traditional” or “nontraditional” learning experience.
Enrichment Funds Form for Eugene du Pont Scholars
Uses for Enrichment Funds
Traditional Experience
A traditional experience is a learning opportunity commonly and routinely available to all UD students. Currently, three activities carry the label “traditional.” These are study abroad, service learning abroad and undergraduate research that involves domestic or international travel. The student must apply to and be accepted into one of these programs according to the procedures of that program.
To request funds for one of these three experiences, a du Pont scholar must complete the Enrichment Funds Request Form that provides the details of the experience and submit that form to the Dean of the Honors College.
In the case of undergraduate research involving travel, the du Pont scholar must also obtain a letter or email from the faculty member who is sponsoring the research and who will be traveling with the student. This communication should confirm the faculty member’s approval of and participation in the research experience.
Approvals of requests to fund traditional experiences are expected to be relatively quick and almost automatic.
Non-Traditional Experience
Eugene du Pont Scholars are encouraged to think creatively and to construct interesting and innovative experiences to enrich the UD education. Because such experiences will by their very nature be unique to a specific student, additional description and explanation will be necessary.
In such instances, a 2-3 page proposal should accompany the request form. This proposal should:
(1) describe the activity for which funds are being requested
(2) explain and justify how this activity will enrich the student’s education
(3) provide a budget that shows how the requested funds will be spent.
The request form and the proposal should be submitted to the Dean of the Honors College.
The Dean of the Honors College may approve a proposal; may reject proposals that are deemed unworthy or unsuitable; or may offer specific suggestions for revision that will make a proposal acceptable.
The Dean will notify each student of the decision shortly after it is made.
Post-Activity Report
Each du Pont Scholar must submit a 1-2 page (maximum 600 words) written report illustrated with pictures and a complete brief program evaluation within 2 weeks of the end date of the funded activity.
Timetable for Submission of Proposals
Traditional and nontraditional proposals will normally be evaluated once each semester. Deadlines for submission of the request form and the accompanying proposal are March 1st for Summer Session or the Fall Semester and October 1st for Winter Session or the Spring Semester.
If a unique and special opportunity for enrichment arises outside of these deadlines, the Dean will consider those proposals on a case-by-case basis.
Any questions about these policies or procedures should be addressed to the Dean of the Honors College.