Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab at NACOB 2022

Kayla Pariser, Margo Donlin, Becca Davis, and Kaleb Burch of the Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab attended the 2022 North American Congress on Biomechanics, hosted by the American and Canadian Societies of Biomechanics. At the conference, Kayla and Kaleb both presented...

Kaleb Burch Presenting at SB3C 2022

Next week, PhD student Kaleb Burch will be attending the 2022 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C)! He will be delivering an oral presentation titled “Design and Mechanical Testing of a Shoulder-Assistive Exosuit” in the...

Luke Nigro Successfully Defends Dissertation!

Luke Nigro successfully defended his PhD Dissertation yesterday! In his dissertation work, Luke developed novel bi-linear stiffness ankle-foot orthoses (BL-AFOs) and tested their effect on human gait. Luke will next be conducting research as a post-doc with Dr. Alena...

Kaitlyn Downer Receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Kaitlyn Downer, a senior undergraduate student in the lab, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship! This prestigious fellowship will fund Kaitlyn’s research work for three years as she begins her graduate studies next fall....