Contact Us

Registration is now completed through our own online checkout service. After registering, you will receive an email from one of our staff with a link to this website and a request to complete the transaction as soon as possible. Remember that applicants who submit their online registration payment past the deadline, or after a reasonable amount of time past the deadline, will not be able to participate in HenMUN. If you’d rather send your registration payment by mail, you are welcome to send it to the mailing address listed below. For general inquires, the best way to reach us is via email. Please use the phone for emergencies only, as we will be unable to regularly check for calls and messages. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Mailing Address:

University of Delaware
Department of Political Science and International Relations
Attention: HenMUN
347 Smith Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Phone(302) 831-6285

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 3:00-5:00PM EST during regular semesters.


By Email:

General Questions and Other Inquiries:

Questions about Transportation, Lodging, or Logistics:

Questions about Delegation Finances or General Questions:

Questions about General Assembly Committees:

Questions about Specialized Agencies:

Questions about Hospitality, Merchandise, Social Events, or Charity: