Specialized Agencies

Organ Overview

The Specialized Agencies and Crisis Committee organ is the most unique, fast-paced, exhilarating organ of HenMUN. With multimedia incorporation, full theatrics, and midnight crises in select committees, this organ promises to be a thrill for all participating delegates. These are small and intimate committees where the level of debate promises to be at its highest. HenMUN recommends that because of their fast-paced, improvisational nature, more experienced debaters participate in our Specialized Agency committees. However, the Specialized Agency organ welcomes all delegates who are up for a challenge.


United Nations Security Council*
Joint Cabinet Crisis (JCC): North Korea
Joint Cabinet Crisis (JCC): South Korea
Treaty of Versailles
The Crisis of the Third Century
Press Corps

*indicates double delegation


Regarding the UNSC:

The Security Council is the most advanced committee at HenMUN. In the best interest of your delegates and all other delegates it is strongly encouraged that only your most experienced and advanced delegates be assigned to the Security Council. Please note that the Security Council is a double delegation meaning each delegation will be required to assign two delegates to the Security Council.

Point of contact: usg-sa@henmun.org