302-831-3030 CPHPS-FAQ@udel.edu

See our
ADVISING SYLLABUS for key information!

* How to schedule for advising with the Center and key contacts.
* Advising policies around working with prospective students, current students, and UD alumni.
* UD, Advising, and Center mission statements.
* Center programs and how to get involved via scheduling an appointment and information sessions.
* Student and Advisor responsibilities within Health Professions Advising meetings.
* Pre-Health Pulse Advising Modelread more about this in our CHPS Intro Presentation!

Key Advising E-Mails 

General questions of a relatively brief nature may be addressed via e-mail at the following address: chps-advising@udel.edu

If you have questions pertaining to the Health Professions Evaluation Committee, send an e-mail to hpec-ud@udel.edu

If you want to contact a specific individual, you will find our e-mail addresses on our About Us page. Please allow 1-2 business days for a response.