Alumni Placement and Publications
Alumni Placements
Samuel Christensen, M.A. (2017), Curator & Collections Manager, Galveston Railroad Museum.
Amanda Casper, Ph.D. (2016), Historian, National Park Service.
Ashley Giordano, M.A. (2016), Curriculum Writer, National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Ai Hisano, Ph.D. (2016), Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University.
Andrew Bozanic, Ph.D. (2015), Social Studies Teacher, Padua Academy.
Jennifer Fang, Ph.D. (2015), Adjunct Faculty, Oregon State University, Corvallis.
Della Keyser, M.A. (2015), Records Coordinator, Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts.
Gretchen Pruett, M.A. (2014), Independent Scholar.
Della Hall, M.A. (2013), Curatorial Assistant, University of Alaska Museum of the North in Fairbanks, Alaska.
John Vanek, M.A. (2013), Editor, Chippewa Valley Museum.
Jamin Wells, Ph.D. (2013), Assistant Professor/Public Historian, University of West Florida.
Stephanie Corrigan, M.A. (2012), Project Assistant, Chemical Heritage Foundation.
Cristina Turdean, Ph.D. (2012), Associate Professor of Museum Studies and Material Culture, University of Mary Washington.
Doug Lantry, Ph.D. (2010), Curator, National Museum of the US Air Force, and Historian, United State Strategic Command.
Anna Rusk, M.A. (2010), Epic Systems Corp.
Alan Meyer, Ph.D. (2009) Associate Professor, Auburn University.
Adam Plaiss, M.A. (2009), Visiting Assistant Professor in History, Northwestern University.
Doug Jerolimov, Ph.D. (2007), Assistant Professor, University of Virginia.
Gabriella Petrick (2006), Assistant Professor of Food Studies, New York University.
Emily Ruby (2006), Assistant Curator, Senator John Heinz History Center.
Christian Koot, Ph.D. (2005) Assistant Professor of History, Towson University.
Kathleen Kvortek Kelly (2005), The Field Museum.
Patrick Shea, M.A. (2004), Archivist, Rockefeller Archives.
Kevin Borg, Ph.D. (2000), Professor of History, James Madison University.
Tim LeCain, Ph.D. (1998), Professor of History, Montana State University.
Jessica Elfenbein, Ph.D. (1996), Senior Associate Dean and Professor of History, The Graduate School, University of South Carolina.
Nic Maffei, M.A. (1996), Centre Leader, Department of Critical Studies, Norwich School of Art and Design.
Kathy Steen, Ph.D. (1995), Associate Professor, Drexel University.
John Rumm, Ph.D. (1982), Executive Director, Nemours Mansion & Gardens.
Jim Edmonson, Ph.D. (1978), Chief Curator at the Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bill Leslie, Ph.D. (1978), Professor of History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, Johns Hopkins University.
Karl Niederer (1978) Director, New Jersey State Archives.
David Hounshell, Ph.D. (1976), Luce Professor of Technology and Social Change, Carnegie Mellon University.
Darwin Stapleton, Ph.D. (1975), Director, Rockefeller Archives.
Selected Alumni Publications

Katherine Leonard Turner, How the Other Half Ate: A History of Working-Class Meals at the Turn of the Century (California Studies in Food and Culture) (University of California Press, 2014).

Regina Lee Blaszczyk, The Color Revolution (MIT Press, 2012), winner of the 2013 Hacker Prize, awarded by the Society for the History of Technology and Imagining Consumers: Design and Innovation from Wedgewood to Corning (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002). Reggie is also co-author of Major Problems in American Business History (Houghton Mifflin, 2005).

Tim LeCain, Mass Destruction: The Men and Giant Mines that Wired America and Scarred the Planet (Rutgers University Press, 2009). Tim's book recently received the prestigious George Perkins Marsh Prize for the best new book in environmental history from the American Society for Environmental History.

Kevin Borg, Auto Mechanics: Technology and Expertise in Twentieth Century America (Johns Hopkins University Press, Spring 2007) Studies in Industry and Society series.

William Thiesen, Industrializing American Shipbuilding: The Transformation of Ship Design And Construction, 1820-1920 (New Perspectives on Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology) (University Press of Florida, 2006).

Carroll Pursell, A Hammer in their Hands: A Documentary History of Technology and the African American Experience (MIT Press, 2005) and A Companion to American Technology (Blackwell Publishers, 2005).

Bruce Sinclair (Editor), Technology and the African American Experience: Needs and Opportunities for Study (MIT Press, 2005).

Angela Lakwete, Inventing the Cotton Gin: Machine and Myth in Antebellum America (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003). Winner of the Society for the History of Technology’s Edelstein Prize.

Carlene E. Stephens, On Time: How Americans Learned to Live by the Clock (2002). This is the companion volume to the exhibit On Time at the National Museum of American History. Maggie Dennis (1998) also worked on the exhibit and is currently writing a book on the history of the digital watch with Carlene.