Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay for these modules?

No, they are free for UD graduate students.

Each module is offered twice. Can I sign up for both sessions?

No, please only sign up for one session of each module. We are repeating all modules to give more students chance to participate. The two sessions will be the same!

I am a graduate student but I am not an international student or English is my first language. Can I take these modules?

You are welcome to register for a module. However, you will be put on a waiting list. Since we are offering a limited pilot schedule now, priority will be given to international students and students for whom English is their second or additional language. We hope to expand our services in the future.

I am an undergraduate student, an ELI student, or a visiting scholar. Can I take these modules?

No, at this time, our services are only for matriculated UD graduate students.

I am a postdoctoral scholar or faculty member. Can I take these modules?

Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Who teaches the modules?

The modules are designed and taught by experienced faculty from the English Language Institute.

How do I cancel my enrollment?

Please reply to your registration email or write to the coordinator (

Do I need to buy textbooks?

Some of the modules use textbooks. They are inexpensive and available at the UD Bookstore with the English Language Institute textbooks (ask at the desk). Required textbooks are listed in the module descriptions.

Will I receive a grade or certificate?

There are no grades. You will receive a certificate of completion for each module.

Will you edit my writing?

No, we can’t do that. However, you can bring your current writing project to each meeting to revise and discuss.

What other writing support is available for graduate students at UD?

The UD Graduate Student Writing Center offers group and individual tutoring.

Do you have modules on presentation or discussion skills?

Not yet, but we hope to add those in the future.

I am a graduate student or faculty member with a need that is not addressed by these modules. Who should I contact?

We would like to hear your ideas for additional modules and communication support. Please contact the coordinator, Nigel Caplan, at the ELI.

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