UD BMES is sponsoring post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate students with awards for 2018! Three awards, three chances to win. Read more for eligibility and requirement guidelines.
All abstracts and nominations are to be sent as a PDF by email to rlocke@udel.edu
UD BMES Conference Travel Award 2018
Due: 02/28/18, Awarded by: 03/07/18
This $125.00 award will be awarded based on an abstract submission. All post-doc, graduate, and undergraduate students that are a part of UD BME are eligible for this award. Abstracts will be reviewed by double-blinded, non-biased individuals and ranked based on the quality of each abstract. Abstracts must be based on biomedical engineering research and be less than 500 words and include one figure. The text should include a title, introduction (rationale), brief methods, results, conclusion (significance), and 1-3 sentences to display the individual’s need to receive this award. The need to receive funding is based on but not limited to why you need funding, why you need to go to a specific conference, and a description of previous attempts to receive funding. Quality of abstracts will be judged based on the impact of the rationale, the significance, the figure, the need section, and the abstract as a whole. An itemized receipt showing that this award was spent on conference travel (airfare, bus/train ticket, taxi/shuttle, gas, tolls) is required. Required text specifications: Arial, size 11, justified, 1-in margins, students name and PI name.
UD BMES Influential Graduate Student Award 2018
Nominations accepted until: 02/28/18, Awarded by: 03/07/18
This $35.00 award will be awarded based on nominations. Any individual (grad, undergrad, post-doc, professor) may nominate one graduate student who is a part of the UD Graduate Student BMES chapter for this award (see List, below). Nominations will be reviewed by double-blinded, non-biased individuals and ranked based on the quantity of nominations for an individual and the quality of each nomination. Quality of nominations will be assessed based on the nominations’ ability to portray the nominee’s influence. Influence for this award is defined as an individual who continuously is 1) committed to the improvement of UD BME and BMES, 2) fosters a collaborative community, 3) demonstrates academic and/or research progress.
UD BMES Graduate Community Leader Award 2018
Nominations accepted until: 02/28/18, Awarded by: 03/07/18
This $35.00 award will be awarded based on nominations. Any individual (grad, undergrad, post-doc, professor) may nominate one graduate student who is a part of the UD Graduate Student BMES chapter for this award (see List, below). Nominations will be reviewed by double-blinded, non-biased individuals and ranked based on the quantity of nominations for an individual and the quality of each nomination. Quality of nominations will be assessed based on an overwhelming depiction of the nominee’s role in leading the BME and BMES community at UD.