Italy: Ciao for Now

Submitted by Kristina Demou on the 2017 spring semester program in Rome, Italy…

It’s hard to believe that my semester abroad has come to an end. This week, I walked around my Rome and took everything in one last time. I took plenty of photos to remember the city by and I visited all my favorite sites and food spots. Although I am looking forward to going home to my friends and family, I know I will miss it here so much. This semester gave me so many firsts, so many adventures and so many memories. I learned a lot about the world and about myself and I definitely caught the travel bug. I promised myself that I would bring back that sense of wonder and desire to explore and keep adventuring at home.

Now moving forward, I have to prepare for what I am sure will be a bit of a shock when I get home. Tomorrow, I’m just focusing on my flight and getting there safely, but once I’ve returned, I know it will take some adjusting. I am curious to see what I perceive differently now. Things I was used to when they were all I knew, will I now fall comfortably back into those routines? Or will I wonder why things are that way and compare them to how they were here in Europe? I know when I first got here, I was constantly comparing everything to how it was back home in America. So I guess I’m equal parts wary and excited to see what comparisons I make once I get back home.

Overall, reflecting back on all this semester has given me, all I can feel is gratitude. To my family for letting me take this big leap and adventure on my own; to my friends for keeping me connected and healing my occasional homesickness; to all of the people I met while on this journey that have made my life so much better and brighter. I was privileged to feel a happiness here that I haven’t quite felt before and I want to hold onto that feeling even after I leave. Now that I know what’s out there, I want to keep seeing more. I’m sad to say good-bye to this journey, but the good thing about “ciao” in Italian is – it means hello and good-bye. So, this might be a “good-bye” to this adventure, but it’s also just a “hello” to a new one!