Submitted by Taylor Donahue on the 2024 Winter CIEG program in Barbados…

The final week of Barbados was full of excursions around the island. Another trip to the west coast led us to Harrison’s cave and Andromeda Gardens. When I thought of Barbados before this trip, I didn’t expect a giant cave system to be underneath the tiny island. Giant stalagmites and stalactites surrounded our group in the cave. The Andromeda Garden had stunning flowers and plants, spanning 8 acres. Seeing both of these beautiful sites in one day made me appreciate the diverse the area is.
Our group took a trip to a different part of the island to see a live band. The music is always great in Barbados and I’ll miss the energy back home. The band played in Spitestown right on the beach, so we were able to see a stunning sunset. Going to see musicians allowed our group to meet more locals and learn more about Barbados. Learning the bus system was challenging, but worth it in the end. We got to see so many different areas and appreciate them all during the month.
This experience allowed me to grow a deeper appreciation for Barbados and their struggles. Our courses in coastal engineering allowed us to observe what issues they were having and brainstorm potential solutions. Our final lab was to create solutions for the area of Six Mens since they are experiencing serious erosion problems near their highway. I’m looking forward to bringing this passion back home and seeing what coastal processes I now notice. This experience was once in a lifetime and I;ll forever be grateful I got the opportunity to go. (February 4, 2024)