Submitted by Ryan Kahn on the 2024 Winter CIEG program in Dubai…
My third week aboard in Dubai was an incredible experience and this trip honestly just keeps getting better and better. It feels as though I live here now, I am used to the lifestyle and the daily routine. This is great because I already feel so comfortable in a new environment, but probably not the best thing as I am not looking forward to the reality of going home in 2 weeks.
Anyways, this third week I wanted to highlight 3 of my favorite activities that I participated in. Starting off we had a trip to the desert where we rode ATV’s, rode camels, and had dinner under the stars. This was a truly incredible experience as we were in the middle of nowhere. I have never been in an environment like this. In addition the sunset was absolutely beautiful.
The next activity was our day trip to Oman. This was one of my favorite days of the trip so far. We drove across the border and got on a boat that took us around the fjords of Oman. This was so beautiful, like nothing I have ever seen. The cliffs that hung right next to the crystal clear water were stunning. We also went snorkeling in the water. We saw lots of different fish which was again so cool.
The final activity that I want to highlight is going to Burj Khalifa. We went up to the 123 and 125 floors of the building and were able to look out on the city. I was standing near the top of the tallest building in the world. It was truly incredible to look out in every direction in the city of Dubai. Afterwards we went down to the Dubai Mall and Dubai Aquarium which were both overwhelmingly massive. Then I watched the light and fountain show of the Burj Khalifa from down below. It was spectacular to see the Burj lit up at night. Overall, week 3 in Dubai was amazing and I am very sad that I will be leaving in 2 weeks. (Submitted on January 23, 2024)