Visit to Oman

Submitted by Emily Jimenez on the 2020 winter session program in Dubai sponsored by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering…

During the last week on our program, we had a chance to visit a construction site. I have never been on a construction site before, and it was really cool to see the stuff we learn about in our international construction class in action. We also traveled to Oman and went on the Dolphin Khasab Tours. The boat we went on was all carpeted which I thought was interesting. On the cruise, we got to jump off the top deck into the water and snorkel. The ocean water was fantastic, really clear and refreshing. On the way back to shore, we were able to see dolphins swimming along with the boat. I’m really glad I decided to go on this study abroad, the experience I had was unbelievable. I learned so much about Islamic culture and about Dubai. It was very eye-opening, and now I can help to eliminate stereotypes.

Our group
Driving through Oman on the way to the boat
Oman mountains from the boat
Construction site visit in Oman