Independent Travel In Chile

Submitted by Kailee Sievers on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Chile sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures…

My fourth week in Chile was full of adventure! I spent my free weekend in Pucón, a town in the south of Chile. This weekend, I felt a true sense of independence as it was the first time being away from my host family and navigating transportation, finding lodging, and preparing food for myself here.

I and seven of my classmates took the metro to the bus station and then traveled to Pucón via an overnight bus from Santiago. We arrived in Pucón at 8:30 in the morning and walked to the hostel that we would be staying in. I was originally a bit wary about staying in a hostel, but it was one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had. I met so many people from so many different countries around the world including Australia, Denmark, Germany, France, and England. It was amazing to ask other people about their lives, culture, and travels all around the world. Everyone that I came into contact with was friendly and willing to share their experiences and stories. The one thing that almost everyone had in common was that they all felt that their lives at home were missing something and found that they fell in love with traveling.

Before this program, I tended to be on the shy and quiet side. By communicating with others (most often in a different language) that are from varying ethnicities, countries, religions, and socio-economic classes and by participating in activities that I never pictured myself doing, I challenged myself and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I learned that I am capable of doing so many things and I have started to become a confident person that is comfortable in new situations. My two favorite experiences from this week were climbing an active volcano and going skydiving. I felt so proud of myself after completing these activities and they were truly unforgettable moments.

Climbing el Volcán Villarrica in Pucón, Chile