Great Month in London, England

Submitted by Erin Boland on the 2016 winter session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice…

I can’t believe my one month in London is over.  It went by way too fast and I would love to have stayed longer.  Our last few days were great.  Some people traveled on the last weekend, but I stayed in London.  I decided I wanted to see as much as I could before we left.  I explored Regent’s Park and made my way to Borough Market.  That market was huge, I was so overwhelmed.  There was food everywhere – I loved it.  I also went to see Wicked, a musical I have wanted to see since I was younger.  It was amazing and I loved everything about it.  My group and I just wanted to enjoy our last days in London.  We’re already posting in our group chat about hanging out again when we’re at school.  Since I’m back in the United States, there are a few things I appreciate.  It’s nice being around my friends and family and having Wi-Fi all the time again.  There were a few things I took for granted.  I love being home, but I miss London already.  I had the most amazing month and I really hope I can go back some day.  I learned a lot in my classes, saw so many sites and explored the city, and made twelve new friends.  This program was so much better than I could have ever imagined.  I had the time of my life in London and I’m so lucky to have had such an incredible experience.

London view at dusk Erin Boland 16W London CRJU sm
