Ireland and Scotland

Submitted by Sheila Ward on the 2013 fall semester program in London, England…

This past week was my fall break and I was lucky enough to spend it in Ireland and Scotland. First, I went to Dublin and visited Trinity College, the Guinness Storehouse, and St. Stephen’s Green.  Then I traveled to Galway, which is on the western coast of Ireland, and saw the Cliffs of Moher and Galway Cathedral.

After that, we went to Northern Ireland and stayed in the city of Derry. There we went to the Free Derry Museum, which is all about Bloody Sunday, and celebrated Halloween at the city’s Halloween festival.

Lastly, we stayed in Edinburgh and went on a day trip to Loch Ness and also got to see Edinburgh Castle.

My favorite part of the trip was staying in Dublin and Galway. Even though they are not as busy as London, they are still very interesting cities that offer a lot of attractions. Both cities were definitely very similar to London, but on a much smaller scale and I think that’s why I enjoyed them so much.

Also, while exploring Ireland and Scotland, it was very interesting to visit sites and historical places that we had discussed in my history class. Being able to visit these places really reinforced the history that had happened there. If I had the opportunity, I would definitely visit all these places again.