- Annealing of various glass types
- Ashing of irremovable residues (restrictions may apply)
- Cork/stopper boring
- Cutting, grinding, drilling of glass and other related materials
- Encapsulation / evacuation of samples
- Glass bead etching
- Glass compatibility testing
- Grinding of bell jars and other damaged flanges
- Limited “on-site” glassblowing services when necessary
- Micro-electrode fabrications (gold, platinum, silver, tungsten)
- Mercury removal from glassware / instruments
- Non-contaminated glassware salvage and disposal
- Pyrex to tungsten electrical connections (uranium intermediate glass)
- Removal of stuck or frozen joints, flanges and stopcocks
- Sample recovery from damaged apparatus
- Strained or damaged glassware evaluation
- Standard taper joint touch up lapping
- Tesla coil vacuum leak testing and repair
- Ultrasonic cleaning of small glass parts
- UV curing epoxy work