File Formats for GIS

File Formats for GIS Name Description
Vector Data
.kml Google KML File Is a XML-based plaintext file that may contain geometry, data, or a pointer to a web service
.kmz Compressed KML Same as above, but compressed.  You can uncomrpess this with 7zip (free/open) and you will see plaintext KML
.gpx GPS data file XML-based GPS data file, usually coming from a GPS device.
.gdb File Geodatabase (Directory) Esri File Geodatabase can be used to store vector and raster data as well as more complex data containing topologies, and other supporting files.  The File Geodatase is a directory, which contains many files which can not be read on their own
.mdb Personal Geodatabase/MS Access Database Esri Personal Geodatabase format
.sqlite Sqlite/Spatialite Database Extension is optional for this format, but is often .sqlite.  Spatialite is an an extenion to sqlite which spatialally enables it.  This format is often used with QGIS.
Shapefile Has traditionally been the “standard” vector format for ArcGIS.  Is actually a collection of files, not a single file, all in the same directory, with the same file base name (the name without the extension).  When viewed in an ArcGIS filesystem dialog, is usually displayed as a single file.
.shp Shapefile Main file that stores the data geometry.  Sometimes somewhat confusingly refered to a as a shapefile.
.shx Shapefile index file Shapefile index file
.dbf Shapefile data file Shapefile data file which stores attribute data.  It’s actually a tabular format called dBASE, which can be read on its own, in other programs.
.prj Shapefile projection file (Optional) Stores spatial reference and projection metadata.  It’s a plaintext file that can be read on its own.
Other shapefile supporting files Shapefiles can also include many other file formats such as .xml, .sbn, .sbx, etc., which are often used for indexes or some other metadata
.E00 ArcInfo Coverage A legacy file format
Raster Data
.tif, .tfw TIFF and TIFF World File, GeoTIFF Uncompressed image data which, when associated in a directory with a tfw (“world file”) of the same file basename, is a GeoTIFF, georeferenced image.
.jp2, .jpw, .jpx JPEG 2000 Compressed image data often georeferenced.  Sometimes includes an associated jpw (“world file”) of the same basename (see .tfw for info).  .jpx can contain additional metadata.
.jpg JPEG Lossy compressed image data which, when associated in a directory with a jpw (“world file”) of the same file basename, is a GeoJPEG, georeferenced image.
.png Ping, Portable Network Graphic Non-georeferenced lossless compressed image data which, when associated in a directory with a pgw (“world file”) of the same file basename, is a GeoJPEG, georeferenced image.
ArcInfo ASCII Grid Directory-based
.asc ASCII grid A grid file in plaintext (ASCII) format
.bnd Grid Boundary file The extent/boundary metadata for the grid
.hdr Grid Header file Grid metadata such as cell size
.sta Grid Statistics file Grid cell statistics
.vat Grid attribute table The equivalent of a grid attribute table, for integer grids only.  Stores attributes based on zones.
.dbf dBASE data file Is often associated with a shapefile (see above), but is sometimes standalone tabular data which can be opened in older versions of Excel or Access.
.csv comma delimited file Plaintext tabular data delimited by comma.  Can sometimes be directly improted (e.g., QGIS, ArcGIS).
.xls Excel file MS Excel data/spreadsheet format.  Can be directly read into some programs (e.g., ArcGIS) but is sometimes buggy.
.txt text file Plaintext, often delimited with tabs, commas, pipes, or semi-colons.  Can sometimes be directly imported, but will often need to be translated to a native tabular format for the software being used (e.g., dbf)
GIS Program Files These do not contain data, only configuration information
.qgs QGIS project Similar to ArcGIS mxd .. Saved workspace configuration (a “map”) including pointers to layer data, symbology, data frame properties, and layout properties, as well as other miscellenous settings
.mxd Map Document Saved workspace configuration (a “map”) including pointers to layer data, symbology, data frame properties, and layout properties, as well as other miscellenous settings
.mxt Map Template Contains settings that would normally be made to a map document, but for reuse in new map documents
.lyr Layer File Symbology settings for a data layer.  If name is the same as a related data source in the same directory, will automatically display
.loc Locator File Used for geocoding (Addresses)