Financial and Business

Receiving and Delivery of Materials Delivered to the University

Section: Financial & Business Policies
Policy Name: Receiving and Delivery of Materials Delivered to the University
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Office of the Vice President For Finance and Deputy Treasurer
Origination Date: July 15, 1986
Revisions: April 2000; July 1, 2005
Legacy Policy Number: 5-19
  1. PURPOSETo establish standard procedures and coordinated efforts for the receipt and redelivery of material delivered to the University of Delaware.
  2. POLICYIt is the policy of the University of Delaware that all materials bought by/for University offices may be shipped directly to the department, or through Campus Delivery. Procurement Services will determine the appropriateness of requests for shipment to Campus Delivery (because of size, installation requirements, etc.,) and annotate such shipments on the purchase order.
    1. Responsible AuthorityThe Director of Supporting Services is responsible for the receipt and redelivery of all material purchased by/for the University and shipped to Campus Delivery. The duties and functions necessary to meet this responsibility are further assigned to Campus Delivery.
    1. Purchase Orders
      1. Upon receipt of any material that does not have a department or location identified, Campus Delivery will look at a copy of the purchase order on the electronic Procurement Services web site to determine the department and location for delivery.
      2. Receipts, including carrier and box count, will be annotated on Campus Delivery’s copy of the electronic Purchase Order, which will then be recorded on the daily log sheet to be signed by the department upon delivery, and returned to Campus Delivery. The annotated copies of the daily log sheets will be filed and retained at Campus Delivery for at least two years. Deficiencies will be noted on appropriate deficiency report, which will be forwarded to Procurement Services.
      3. The ordering department is responsible for annotating on the Purchase Requisition, for transference to Purchase Order, the nature and toxicity of toxic chemicals, and/or other hazardous products, including radioactive substances (University of Delaware Policy 5-10).
    2. Receiving
      1. All material delivered to the University shall be received by the Campus Delivery, at the General Services Building, unless shipments are made directly to the department(s) for reasons noted above.
      2. Receipt of material shall be at the dock(s) of the General Services Building, with Campus Delivery personnel being responsible for the material beginning at the tailgate of the vehicle making delivery. Entry into a delivery vehicle/trailer by University personnel for purpose of off-loading/on-loading cargo shall be only at the request of and under the supervision of the carrier’s driver.
      3. All material received by Campus Delivery for the University will be inspected as received for obvious damages and/or external damage to the carton/crate that might suggest internal damages. Any findings that might suggest a potential damage claim will be noted on appropriate shipping documents. Appropriate freight claims will be filed for obvious damage to material received.
      4. Campus Delivery personnel only will complete a carton count, and the ordering department is responsible for reporting to Procurement Services or vendor any discrepancies in shipping and/or quantities received. Radioactive material will be delivered to Occupational Health and Safety only.
      5. Material received will be processed for redelivery at the earliest possible time. Pending redelivery, storage will be in a secure area, removed from routine operations and functions if possible.
    3. Delivery
      1. Delivery/redelivery of material to University departments will be by Campus Delivery personnel as soon as practical after receipt at General Services Building. If the material, etc. is of a size/weight that makes delivery by Campus Delivery personnel impractical, the department originating the purchase will be notified by Receiving to contact Mover Services with appropriate information and request delivery by that unit.
      2. All material will be signed for when delivered to/received by the buying department. Damages or deficiencies will be reported as soon as possible after receipt, to Procurement Services, to validate any actual or potential damage claim that may arise against the carrier or vendor.
      3. The recipient will document exceptions to other-than-normal conditions at time of receipt. Hidden or concealed damages must be reported to Procurement Services as soon as discovered, but in all cases, within the allowable time frame (15 days) for damage claims.NOTE: The above time frame begins on date of initial delivery to the University of Delaware (General Services Building) unless delivery is directly to buyer.
      4. Other duties of delivery personnel include, but are not limited to, the pickup, delivery, storage, warehousing, and redistribution of surplus or unwanted equipment and/or material at the University. Disposition of such material shall be in accordance with University policies.
    4. Return of Material
      1. Authorization for and request to return material to the vendor(s) must be coordinated between the buyer and Procurement Services of the University.
      2. In the event of requirements to return material, the department will advise Campus Delivery of pickup and/or shipping requirements. All return shipments must be accompanied by a Shipment Authorization Form which has been filled out by the department making the return.
      3. If return shipment requirements are of a nature to require positioning of material at the docks of General Services Building for on-loading, the buying department will make arrangements with Mover Services to move the material to General Services Building. On-loading of such cargo will be under supervision of the carrier’s representative.
    5. Frustrated Cargo
      1. If the material received by Campus Delivery personnel cannot be identified, the material will be held in the “Frustrated Cargo” area while reasonable efforts are made to determine the buyer.
      2. If reasonable efforts do not succeed in identifying the buying department of unidentified cargo within 30 days, Campus Delivery will return the material to the vendor/shipper, if practical.