Gifts, Mementos and In-Kind Services to External Parties
Section: | Financial & Business Policies |
Policy Name: | Gifts, Mementos and In-Kind Services to External Parties |
Policy Owner: | Executive Vice President |
Responsible University Office: | Office of the Vice President For Finance and Deputy Treasurer |
Origination Date: | June 1995 |
Revisions: | August 2008; April 1, 2009 |
Legacy Policy Number: | 3-23 |
- PURPOSETo provide a policy statement regarding gifts, donations and mementos (monetary or in-kind goods or services) for organizations/activities or for individuals who are not University employees.
- POLICYThe University of Delaware is substantially funded by public, donor and student-paid monies; the reasonable expectation of these stakeholders is that these funds shall be applied to support the core mission of the University. Accordingly, University funds from any source shall neither be given nor transferred to external organizations, nor applied to their obligations, for any purpose other than to achieve a specific goal that is integral to the University’s mission. Further, use of space and/or in-kind services may be provided to external organizations only to support the University’s explicit partnering with them to achieve a mission-related goal.
Illustrative examples of possibly appropriate use of University resources are support for campus programs organized and run by approved UD student groups and academic units, support for faculty senate activities and official co-sponsorship of activities with recognized alumni or community groups. Examples of inappropriate use of University resources include support for fundraising activities for external entities and support for political, religious or any other organizations or activities that might put the University’s not-for-profit status under the IRS Code at risk.
Any requests for gifts or donations (monetary or in-kind services) to organizations must be approved in advance by the unit Dean or Vice President, who will make the substantive judgment as to whether the gift or donation is indeed needed to achieve a specific goal that is integral to the University’s mission, and who will approve only those requests which meet this standard. Such requests are subject to final approval by the Vice President for Finance or his/her designee in advance of committing the resource.
In rare circumstances, a gift or memento may be presented to a non-University employee in lieu of an honorarium or other payment for some service the individual has performed for the University. When appropriate and with the approval of the Department Chair, a gift valued at not more than $100 may be charged to funds other than Federal, State or Basic Budgets. Such expenditures must be fully documented with original receipts and an explanation of the University business-related purpose of the expenditure, including the name and position of the gift recipient. Exceptions for higher amounts must further be approved in advance by the Vice President for Finance or his/her designee.