Facilities Renovation and Space Assignment
Section: | Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services Policies |
Policy Name: | Facilities Renovation and Space Assignment |
Policy Owner: | Executive Vice President |
Responsible University Office: | Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services |
Origination Date: | October 1, 1981 |
Revisions: | October 2, 1985; June 5, 1989; April 1, 1996; July 1, 2005 |
Legacy Policy Number: | 1-05 |
- PURPOSETo outline the method for requesting additional space, reassignment of space, remodeling of space, or a combined assignment and remodeling of space.
- Reassignment of Existing SpaceEach vice presidential level administrator has responsibility for assignment and allocation of space which currently is assigned to the units, functions, and activities for which he or she is responsible, subject to the following limitations:
- All changes in the assignment, use or occupancy of space must be reported to and recorded in the Asset Management Space Allocation Module.
- The Renovation Form and/or the Space Assignment Form will be used to request, process, approve, and record all such changes.
- The request need not originate from the chair or director of the unit, but approval of the chair or director is required. Approval of the dean is required for academic units. A description of the requested work should accompany the renovation form (Use section 2 of Renovation Form, “Description and Justification of Request”). The request is forwarded in turn to Facilities Planning and Construction. After an estimate of work is established, it will be forwarded to the appropriate vice presidential level administrator, and to the Provost or Executive Vice President for approval as required. Copies of the completed form are sent to all interested parties.
- A change in space assignment within the jurisdiction of a vice presidential level administrator that ultimately will result in a request for additional space, whether new space or space currently under the responsibility of another vice president, must have prior approval of the President. Such requests will be submitted for review and recommendation by the Executive Vice President.
- Any change in assignment of space that involves relocation of an entire department or function, or results in a change in occupancy for an entire building, even if it is within the jurisdiction of only one vice presidential level administrator, must have prior approval of the President. Such requests will be submitted for review and recommendation by the Executive Vice President.
- Any proposal to use space that currently is unassigned or to transfer space from the jurisdiction of one vice presidential level administrator to another must be approved by the President. Such requests will be submitted for review and recommendation by the Provost/Executive Vice President.
- Each vice presidential level administrator shall establish procedures within his or her jurisdiction for an internal review and approval of requests for space.
- Facilities Planning and Construction is responsible for notifying Procurement Services of any changes due to re-assignment of space.
- Requests for New SpaceNormally the identification of new space needs and requests for assignment of new additional space will be a part of the annual planning budget review process. Such requests will be submitted to the President via the Executive Vice President by the responsible vice presidential level administrator.
- All such requests should be routed through the Executive Vice President for review relative to existing facilities and space utilization. The Executive Vice President will forward all such requests to the President with an evaluation and recommendation.
- Such requests should include a) a justification of the need; b) an estimate of the amount of additional space required; and c) any special characteristics of the needed space. Need justification must show that current occupancy and utilization levels exceed the space standards adopted by the University or that there are special conditions that support an exception to these standards.
- Each vice presidential level administrator shall develop internal procedures for review and approval of such space requests within his or her jurisdiction. Facilities Planning and Construction may be consulted relative to the preparation of such requests.
- Facilities Planning and Construction is responsible for notifying Procurement Services of any new space assignment.
- Reassignment of Existing SpaceEach vice presidential level administrator has responsibility for assignment and allocation of space which currently is assigned to the units, functions, and activities for which he or she is responsible, subject to the following limitations:
- DefinitionSpace renovations are construction projects that modify space in a manner that changes its use, that alter its dimensions or configuration, or that substantially upgrade and refurbish it.
Space renovations do not include repairs, routine servicing, or maintenance except as these may be accomplished in the course of modifications and renovations. Similarly, safety modifications and improvements to meet building and safety codes are excluded except as they are achieved as part of other construction.
Minor improvements, such as painting and carpeting, installation of furniture and equipment, and similar tasks performed through the Facilities Management Work Order System that are charged to the requesting unit’s operating account are also not included in this definition.
Nor do space renovations include new buildings or building additions that usually are a part of the University’s capital program.
- Space Renovation to Academic Facilities
- Approval of the Provost is required for all space renovations in academic facilities.
- All such renovations must be evaluated and approved by the Executive Vice President relative to the feasibility of the proposed modifications as they would impact the building and its systems. Facilities Planning and Construction will provide schematic designs and order of magnitude cost estimates as needed for evaluation and review of such requests.
- In addition to the Provost, approval of the President will be required for all renovations and remodeling with a total project budget above $100,000.
- Subject to annual budget reviews and revisions, a reserve will be maintained for modifications and remodeling of academic facilities.
- The Provost shall establish procedures for internal review and approval of modification and remodeling requests.
- Any construction that changes the configuration or use of space must be reported to and recorded in the Asset Management Space Allocation Module.
- The Space Renovation Form will be used to request, process, approve, and record all such renovations. The request is forwarded in turn to Facilities Planning and Construction for recording in the Facilities Data Base System, for verification of space assignment and estimated project costs. After estimate of work is established, it will be forwarded to the appropriate vice presidential level administrator, and to the Provost or Executive Vice President for approval as required. Copies of the completed form are sent to all interested parties.
- Facilities Planning and Construction is responsible for notifying Procurement Services of any changes in space due to renovations.
- Space Renovation to Non-Academic Facilities
- Approval of the vice presidential level administrator is required for all space renovations within his or her jurisdiction.
- All such renovations must be evaluated and approved by the Executive Vice President relative to the feasibility of the proposed modifications as they would impact the building and its systems. Facilities Planning and Construction will provide schematic designs and order of magnitude cost estimates as needed for evaluation and review of such requests.
- Projects with budgets of $50,000 or less may proceed on the approval of the vice president if a source of funds, under the control of the vice president, is available. Approval of the Executive Vice President is required if funding is to be provided from a reserve account for non-academic space modification.
- Subject to annual budget reviews and revisions, a reserve, under the administration of the Executive Vice President, will be maintained for renovation of non-academic facilities.
- Each vice president will establish procedures for internal review and approval of renovation requests.
- Any construction that changes the configuration or use of space must be reported to Facilities Planning and Construction and recorded in the Asset Management Space Allocation Module.
- The Space Renovation Form will be used to request, process, approve, and record all such modifications and renovations. The request is forwarded in turn to Facilities Planning and Construction. After an estimate of work is established, it will be forwarded to the appropriate vice presidential level administrator, and to the Provost or Executive Vice President for approval as required. Copies of the completed form are sent to all interested parties.
- Facilities Planning and Construction is responsible for notifying Procurement Services of any changes in space due to renovations.
- Reimbursement for Design Services
- Costs incurred for development of program specifications, schematic or conceptual designs, feasibility analysis, and cost estimation prior to the approval of a project will be charged a) in the case of academic facilities, to the account for academic renovations and remodeling; prior approval as outlined in III.B. must be obtained and b) in the case of non- academic facilities, to the reserve account for modifications and remodeling of non-academic facilities.
- When a project is approved and funded, all subsequent design costs and costs for construction administration will be included in the project budget.
- DefinitionSpace renovations are construction projects that modify space in a manner that changes its use, that alter its dimensions or configuration, or that substantially upgrade and refurbish it.
- Facilities Maintenance and Operations Work Order RequestsWork Order requests are subject to the following conditions: 1) the request must be approved by the appropriate budget administrator; 2) the requesting unit must provide an available source of funds; 3) the Facilities Maintenance and Operations Department must be able to perform the required work; 4) the proposed work does not violate code or the integrity of the building.
- Requests for Feasibility Studies, Architectural or Engineering DesignRequests for feasibility studies, program development, and architectural or engineering design that requires the services of the Facilities Planning and Construction Department or the employment of design consultants must be approved by the vice presidential level administrator responsible for the requesting unit. Such requests will be submitted to the Executive Vice President for review and approval.
- Inspection, Evaluation, and Assignment of PrioritiesThe Facilities Maintenance and Operations Department, assisted by the Facilities Planning and Construction Department and the Occupational Health and Safety Office, will develop procedures for inspection and evaluation of the physical plant relative to the need for major maintenance, replacement of building systems, rehabilitation and renewal of facilities, and compliance with building and safety codes.
An annual plan for facilities renewal, including an indication of priorities, will be prepared under the direction of the Executive Vice President and submitted to the President for review and approval. Modifications to the plans are approved by the President.
- Funding Facilities RenewalSubject to a review of the proposed annual plan for facilities renewal and budget reviews and revisions, an annual allocation will be made available for facilities renewal.
- Inspection, Evaluation, and Assignment of PrioritiesThe Facilities Maintenance and Operations Department, assisted by the Facilities Planning and Construction Department and the Occupational Health and Safety Office, will develop procedures for inspection and evaluation of the physical plant relative to the need for major maintenance, replacement of building systems, rehabilitation and renewal of facilities, and compliance with building and safety codes.
- Emergency Repairs
- Emergency repairs are failures of building systems, building equipment, and other facility components that are not anticipated, for which no planned maintenance has been budgeted, and which require immediate repair for the operation of the facility, protection of the building, or for health and safety.
- Subject to annual budget review and revision an allocation will be made to the operating budget of the Facilities Department for emergency repairs.
- Special Improvements
- The special improvement account is a line item in the operating budget of the Facilities Department for the purpose of supporting minor improvements to grounds and buildings that enhance the quality of life, improve visual appearance, increase use, and correct deficiencies.
- Subject to annual budget reviews and revisions, an allocation will be made to the operation budget of the Facilities Department for this purpose.
- Emergency Repairs
- DefinitionMajor construction is any new building or any building addition or renovation in excess of $500,000.
- ApprovalsAll new construction must be approved by the President and will be reported to the Board of Trustees through the semi-annual meetings of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings. Projects in excess of $500,000 require approval of the Board.
- Building Fund ReservesAuxiliary Enterprises maintain reserve accounts that are budgeted by the appropriate vice presidential level administrator in consultation with the Executive Vice President and approval of the President for the purpose of maintaining, improving, modifying, remodeling, and developing new physical facilities.
- Approval of Projects and Use of Funds
- All projects require approval of the appropriate vice presidential level administrator and, if in excess of $100,000 or if a University reserve is used, approval of the President.
- The Executive Vice President will review and recommend all such projects relative to their impact on the building, its systems, and the utilization of space.