Human Resources

Code of Ethics

Section: Human Resources Policies
Policy Name: Code of Ethics
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Office of Human Resources
Origination Date: April 1999
Revisions: July 2016
Legacy Policy Number: 4-41 and 4-45
  1. SCOPE OF POLICYThis policy is the University’s general Code of Ethics and applies to all exempt and non-exempt University employees.
  2. POLICY STATEMENTAdherence to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and fairness by University personnel is essential to assure proper performance of University business and maintenance of confidence in the University by students and citizens. Avoidance of misconduct and conflicts of interest on the part of University employees through informed judgment is indispensable to the preservation of these standards. All University personnel are expected to pursue their responsibilities conscientiously and energetically.
    1. Basic Values. University employees are expected, at all times, to respect the rights of the University, its students, visitors, and other members of the University community. Inherent in this responsibility is the obligation to be courteous, respectful, honest, and to protect the University environment.
      1. Employees are not expected nor required to perform duties of a personal nature for other University employees as part of their normal workload. Examples of these duties are, but not limited to, the following: babysitting, running personal errands, or bringing in lunch/coffee.
    2. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest. The best way to ensure propriety and avoid even the semblance of wrongdoing is for all employees to follow a practice of full disclosure in writing of any prior association, relationship, business arrangement, or circumstance that might suggest to disinterested and objective referees that decisions were made contrary to the best interest of the University and for personal gain or the gain of family, close friends or non-University business associates at the expense of the University. Interests and actions that might otherwise be questionable may be judged to be entirely proper if the rule of full prior disclosure is followed.