Delaware Freedom of Information Act

Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) was adopted to ensure that all “citizens have easy access to public records in order that the society remain free and democratic.”  29 Del. C. §10001.  As a recipient of public funds, the University of Delaware is subject to FOIA.  Accordingly, the University’s Board of Trustees is a “public body” under the Act and each meeting of the full Board of Trustees is a “meeting” pursuant to FOIA.  Id. at 10002(i).  In addition, “university documents relating to the expenditure of public funds shall be ‘public records[.]’”  Id.

The University of Delaware takes its obligations under FOIA seriously.  Tara Mazer has been designated as the University’s FOIA Coordinator and is, therefore, responsible for receiving and processing FOIA requests.

Before making a FOIA request, we encourage you to see if the information you are interested in is already available on the University’s website.  You can find a lot of useful information using the resources and links below or even utilizing the website’s search feature.

If the information you seek is not available on the University’s website, you may submit a FOIA request to the University’s FOIA Coordinator using the University’s FOIA Request Form or by mailing a written request to the FOIA Coordinator, Office of General Counsel, 112 Hullihen Hall, Newark, DE 19716.  The request must be in writing and should reasonably describe the records you seek.  The University will respond to your request within 15 business days of receipt.


Board of Trustees Materials
Financial Reports

Useful Links

Institutional Research
Clery Reports
Crime Statistics
OEI Annual Report