Wendy Ruderman: Quadruple Threat

By Michelle Caracci Wendy Ruderman looked miniscule in comparison to the large lecture hall of University of Delaware’s Purnell Hall on Thursday afternoon. Her petite frame sat on the small table in front of the class and swung her legs back and forth, trying to think of how to start the discussion. As a Pulitzer Prize winner, co-author, Philadelphia Daily News reporter and mother, it is clear that Ruderman is a quadruple threat. Despite her background, Ruderman did not always want to be a writer. In fact, the idea of journalism did not spark her interest until her underage drinking … Continue reading Wendy Ruderman: Quadruple Threat

Bloggers vs. Journalists

by Michelle Caracci Back in the day, it was customary for people to wake up and immediately open their front door to collect the local newspaper from their front porch. Today, most people hop out of bed, turn on their smart phones and check out the latest headlines written by their favorite journalists on the New York Times app or see what news articles their friends posted a link to on Facebook. Not only do smart phones make it easier to view news articles, technology makes creating content on the web easier than ever. All someone has to do is … Continue reading Bloggers vs. Journalists

Social Media Digital Data Used as Journalism

By Michelle Caracci OKCupid co-founder, Christian Rudder In the recent years, social media has evolved from a place men and women can interact with other people to a place where they can also read, discuss and share news articles. However, social media websites may now have a new kind of beneficial utilization that relates to journalism. OKCupid co-founder Christian Rudder has discovered that social media companies who are using internet data for their businesses are compiling demographic information, finding out more intimate details about peoples’ lives and transforming it into journalism. In his narrative, Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We … Continue reading Social Media Digital Data Used as Journalism