This post was meant to be most likely done and posted by Monday or at least before the weekend lol. But much like most of my work it is unacceptable unless it is done late. Anyway the first day included many great things like finally finding everyone in the Madrid Airport. Followed by us finding our missing jet to Granada with less than 15 minutes to spare. Needless to say this day was jam packed and I was thoroughly spent and exhausted. However, some good things happened too on Monday. Like buying my first European and Spanish dish. Okay, maybe dish is a big exaggeration it was a plastic wrapped sandwich from an airport venue. But, the food was amazing or maybe I was just that hungry. Either way the sandwich had tomato bread, yes I was surprised that existed as well. In addition, there was chicken (pechuga de pollo), lechuga, mayonesa, (mayonnaise) y salsa curry. It was one of the greatest things I ever tasted, I was left wondering why they couldn’t have these in Delaware! This questions is one I would ask myself multiple times before my trip to Spain would end.
What topics and goals are introduced in G. Austin’s first blog post on the University of Delaware site?
Greeting Telkom University