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Ryan Comes


University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Ph.D. Engineering Physics, May 2013.

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S. Physics, May 2008, Honors: University Honors, Carnegie Institute of Technology College Honors, Mellon College of Science Honors


Auburn University, Department of Physics, Thomas and Jean Walter Associate Professor, August 2022-Present

Auburn University, Department of Physics, Thomas and Jean Walter Assistant Professor, August 2016-July 2022

Pacific Northwest National Lab, Materials Science, Fundamental and Computational Science Division, Linus Pauling Postdoctoral Fellow, July 2013-July 2016

Naval Research Lab, Space Applications Branch, Student Temporary Employment Program, 2004-2008

Naval Research Lab, Space Applications Branch, Science and Engineering Apprentice Program, 2003


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Linus Pauling Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Mentor: Dr. Scott Chambers, July 2013-July 2016

University of Virginia, Engineering Physics, Graduate Research Assistant, Advisor: Prof. Stuart Wolf, September 2008-May 2013

Carnegie Mellon University, Carnegie Institute of Technology Honors Research Project, Advisor: Prof. C. Fred Higgs, August 2007-May 2008


Auburn University, Department of Physics, 2016-Present

University of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Graduate Teaching Fellow, 2012

Carnegie Mellon University, Department of ECE, Undergraduate Grader/Teaching Assistant, 2007-2008

Carnegie Mellon University, Academic Development, Peer Tutor, 2005-2008