We continued to excavate Test Unit 3, with the intention of finding the floor of the dwelling and the builder’s trench. These features did not appear within the unit, however we did find a fragment of an iron fork, along with slag, glass, ceramic fragments, and nails.  The unit had a mix of eighteenth and nineteenth-century material culture.  We believe the mixing of these artifacts is due to the rodent activity in the unit.

In Test Unit 2, we were unable to locate the foundation wall.  Instead, we located a possible pit for a post . Within Test Unit 2 we found nails, thimbles, scissors, mortar, plaster, slag, ceramic fragments, bricks, and animal bones.

To cover more surface area and aid in the efforts of locating the foundation wall, we started to excavate a trench (Test Unit 4)  just south of Test Unit 2 and leading into the cellar hole. Within the trench, we found many animal bones, nails, glass and bricks.

Beginning the excavation of the Trench, Test Unit 4