Sequestration deadline looming

Sequestration has 13 days left before the deadline expires, which would set into motion a budget cut of 5.1% across the board to all non-defense agencies.  DOD discretionary budgets would experience a cut of 7.3%.  These cuts would have a significant impact on the University of Delaware, which would experience a cut approximately in the 5.5 to 7M dollar range in the 2013 alone.  Attached you will find a memo from Senate Budget chairwoman Patty Murray, who details out what those overall federal impacts could mean.

As February 28th inches closer, it appears that country will likely go into sequestration, though President Obama has been making calls to “kick the can” down the road and delay the automatic cuts by a few more months.  With less than 2 weeks of time left to go, an a rapid fire of press leading the public to believe that sequester will happen, March 1st and the spending cut impact will be felt nationwide.
