FCBIS Program

For a pdf of full program including poster abstracts click here.

8:30-9:00                 Registration, Breakfast, Poster setup
9:00-9:05                 Introductory Remarks – Wolf Hall Auditorium

9:05-10:00              Session I –Chair: April Kloxin Wolf Hall Auditorium
9:05-9:25                 Christian Kaiser (Johns Hopkins University)
“Studying protein biogenesis at the single-molecule level”
9:25-9:45                 Rodrigo Maillard (Georgetown University)
“Investigating the Conformational Landscape of Protein Kinase A with Optical Tweezers”
9:45-10:00              Founders Reflection on the FCBIS

10:00-10:20            Coffee Break

10:20-10:55            Session II – Chair: Christine Ott Wolf Hall Auditorium
10:20-10:40            Lisa Jones (University of Maryland School of Pharmacy)
“Extension of Hydroxyl Radical-Based Footprinting Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for In Cell and In Vivo Protein Analysis”
10:40-10:55            Emily Shutsky (University of Pennsylvania) “Defining and Exploiting APOBEC3A’s Activity on the Extended Epigenome” poster speaker (poster #79)
Morning Keynote
10:55-11:55            Carmen Drahl – Keynote (Freelance Chemistry Journalist) “I Communicate Chemistry (And So Can You!)”

11:55-12:00            Career Round Table Introductions – Wolf Hall Auditorium
Carmen Drahl (Freelance Chemistry Journalist)
Nikki Goodwin
(Director of Medicinal Chemistry, GSK)
Benjamin Israel 
(Sr. Technical Team Lead, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics)
Pamela Marino
(Chief , Biochemistry & Biorelated Chemistry Branch, NIGMS)
Wilson Francisco
(Program Director, NSF)
Joseph Rucker
(VP Research and Development, Integral Molecular)
The Career Round Table will be in McKinly Atrium and run concurrent with poster sessions from 12:30-2:00

12:00-12:30            Lunch

12:30-1:15                 Poster Session I (Odd Numbered Posters) – McKinly Lab Atrium
1:15-2:00                  Poster Session II (Even Numbered Posters) – McKinly Lab Atrium

2:00-2:35                 Session III – Chair: Myles Poulin, Wolf Hall Auditorium
2:00-2:20                 Mark Allen (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
“A Biological Toolbox: Making a Connection”
2:20-2:35                 Alicia DeColli (John’s Hopkins University) “Investigating the mechanism of LThDP decarboxylation by DXP   synthase” poster speaker (poster # 18)

2:35-2:45                 Refreshment Break

2:45-3:20                 Session IV – Chair: Mary Watson, Wolf Hall Auditorium
2:45-3:05                 Martin Schnermann (National Cancer Institute)
“Near-IR Uncaging Chemistry: Discovery and Applications”
3:05-3:20                 Andrew Urmey (University of Delaware) “Detecting Protein Tyrosine Nitration with Designed Peptides”    poster speaker (poster #89)
3:20-4:20                 Joel Schneider – Keynote (National Cancer Institute)
                                   “Racemic hydrogels from self-assembling mirror image peptides: Predictions from Pauling and Corey”

4:20-4:30                 Poster Awards and Final Remarks – Wolf Hall Auditorium
4:30-5:30                 Networking Ice Cream Mixer – Brown Lab