Budget Committee
The University Faculty Senate Budget Committee is charged with the responsibilities of
- becoming fully informed on the financial and planning issues of this University. Specifically, it shall examine University budgets, financial statements and other related documents used in developing budgetary plans.
- reviewing and providing timely prospective advice, prior to finalizing budget turnaround decisions, concerning the University’s annual budgets, the processes used to determine them, and their potential impact on the academic, research and outreach missions of the University to the President, Provost, Deans and other officers of administration with responsibility for the University’s annual budget.
- reviewing budgets of newly proposed or substantially revised academic programs to determine their viability in conjunction with the Coordinating Committee on Education.
- communicating information about the University’s annual budgets and their potential impact on academic programs to the University Faculty Senate and to the University Faculty as a whole.
This committee is authorized to confer with other Senate committees and with University budget personnel as appropriate.
The Committee shall consist of seven faculty, the majority of whom shall be tenured. Faculty shall be from at least five of the eight colleges or schools governed by Deans in which faculty have primary appointments. The Committee on Committees and Nominations shall appoint the faculty members for this committee for terms of three years. Appointments shall be scheduled such that the faculty member’s terms will expire in a staggered manner. The Committee on Committees and Nominations shall appoint annually the chairperson from the seven faculty members. An eighth member of the committee shall be appointed annually by the Provost as his or her designee, and this member shall serve to facilitate interactions between the committee and relevant administrative offices, but shall be a non-voting member of the committee.
Chair: James Butkiewicz
Committee Members:
Matthew Robinson
Hospitality Business Management
BE 2023
James Butkiewicz
BE 2022 Chair
Fred Hofstetter
School of Education
CEHD 2023
Michael O’Neal
Geological Sciences
2022 EOE
Daniel Smith
Biden School of Public Policy & Administration
John Morgan
Physics and Astronomy
Katie Holden
Director of Academic Financial Operations
Provost Designee