Malawi Remote Implementation is a Success!
We have reached the end of our remote implementation with the partner villages of Liti and Nkagula. We successfully partnered with both communities to complete the inspection and rehabilitation of 12 borehole wells located within the communities. Additionally, VIP has completed maintenance training in the communities. With the final stages of this project being completed, we look forward to continuing our partnership in the region by planning an assessment trip to the Zomba region in the summer of 2022! Throughout the semester, we will be conducting community surveys to gather information about future project priorities for the communities.
We would like to take the time to thank Kibbutz Group, VIP, and the villages of Liti and Nkagula for their support and dedication to our partnership throughout this project life cycle. We are looking forward to continuing this partnership and can not wait to share what the future holds for our projects in the region!
Borehole maintenance training
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