Epps Research Group
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering
The primary focus of the Epps laboratory lies in designing, building, and characterizing new polymeric materials exhibiting molecular level self-assembly. Several applications for block copolymers and polymer blends under investigation in our group include: battery and fuel cell membranes, organic photovoltaics, analytical separations membranes, nanoscale containers and scaffolds for targeted drug delivery, precursors to electronic arrays, and surface responsive materials.
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Soft Matter Matters: Our Areas of Research
Advancing Discoveries in Polymeric Materials
Happening Now
Epps presented with the 2024 ACS Delaware Section Award
Thomas H. Epps, III has been awarded the 2024 ACS Delaware Section Award. The Delaware Section Award is presented annually to a member of the local Section for outstanding achievements in research in chemistry or chemical engineering. Previous University of Delaware...
Interested in Joining our Team?
Post-Doc, Doctoral & Undergraduate Positions Available
Motivated and talented doctoral students are also wanted to perform research in the areas of polymer synthesis, characterization, and applications. Interested undergraduates need no prior knowledge of polymer science.
Facilities & Equipment