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Using Google Sites as the development platform for presentation e-portfolios.

Privacy settings for your portfolio

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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Should my portfolio be public or private? How do I decide? First, know your audience. Who is going to be viewing your portfolio: an instructor, an admissions counselor for graduate school,  a future employer? Knowing who your audience will be is the first step in your decision process. Once you know your audience, think about… Continue reading

Should I use a template when creating a Google site for my portfolio?

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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Google sites provides two options when you create a new site: Design everything page by page. Select a template as a basic starting point for the entire site. When you use a template, you create a site with a predefined structure: custom page layouts, links for navigating to each page, theme, and more. Some templates… Continue reading